Core Range

Uganda Bulambuli (Mt Elgon)

We are proud to announce our newest addition to the Core Range, from Bulambuli near the Mt Elgon region of Uganda, this coffee has been brought to you in collaboration with Friends of Mother initiative as well as Invisible Hands.

Similar to the popular Ltd release Colombia El Bombo coffee, £1 from every bag sold of this coffee will be donated to KYRA women's Project based in York.

This washed coffee is comprised of one the oldest Arabica varietals introduced to Africa called Nyasaland, bringing floral and berry notes with a clean finish.

Grown on the rich volcanic soils on the slopes of Mt Elgon in Mbale, this coffee is processed via the washed method.

This coffee is brought to you in collaboration with 200 small holder farmers from the region, that work under the Friends of Mothers initiative which prioritises hiring women and supporting single mothers in the Mt Elgon region from revenue generated by the area's main crop.

We roast this coffee to a medium-dark roast profile by default, but are happy to roast it to your liking.

Brazil Cerrado Mineiro

Our flagship coffee is grown on the Fazenda Freitas farm near Patrocinio in Brazil. Grown at 1,000m above sea level, this coffee is processed using the Natural method and has achieved a brilliant SCAA score of 84.

Fazenda Freitas has been producing coffee for the last 32 years under the control of Osmar and more recently his son Gabriel whose passion and dedication is shown in the quality of his coffee. Fazenda Freita’s coffee stands out in most quality contests.

yellow and black bird on green fruit
yellow and black bird on green fruit

Both father and son have a real respect for social-environmental legislation and policies that Brazil so strongly adopts by not hiring under 16 years old, applying zero tolerance to discrimination, equal pay for men and women, prevention of pollution, promotion professional training for their employees, compliance of health and safety standards . The Freitas, as a coffee producer are committed to the environmental sustainability of the planet, applying labour law but reflecting in every single employee and extended to their family life including school, health and social interactions within the local community.

Also preserving natural resources in the production process of coffee at Freitas farm, conservation of soil, water resources and ecosystems. Agricultural Management using techniques that promotes sustainability. Also prohibited by the farm actions of hunting, fishing, collecting or imprisoning wild animals, any type of fire, use of weapons.

This coffee delivers a sweet aroma with notes of chocolate. A medium level of acidity and a long finish.

This is a Rain Forest Alliance certified coffee.

We roast this to a medium-dark roast unless otherwise specified.

Mexico - Chiapas - El Jaguar Estate - SHG Fancy

This coffee comes from a group of small producers. Siltepec is a strictly high grown coffee. Harvested and processed by small producers under traditional farming methods, shade grown coffee, craft de-pulped, fermented, washed
and sun dried. The plantations are located near The Biosphere Reserve El Triunfo. In 1972 was named as a “Natural area” in Chiapas State, to preserve the “quetzal” special bird that only lives in this place. In 1990, it became a federal “protected area” with an extension of 119 thousand 177 hectares. The Biosphere Reserve El Triunfo host 11 of the 18 recognized vegetation types in Chiapas; there are been identified about 1.500 species of plants, but maybe this number can grow to 3.000 because of the flora of all Chiapas territory.

Also, the hessian bags these are shipped to the UK in look incredible!

This coffee works well in cafetieres.

We roast this to a medium roast unless otherwise specified.

blue red and yellow textile
blue red and yellow textile

The aroma is spicy with hints of cinnamon and dark chocolate. To taste, the flavour has a round body, vanilla and tangerine notes. This coffee has a sweetness of brown sugar and caramel with acidity being comparable to fine lemon grass.

Mexico Mountain Water Decaf

If you want great tasting coffee without the tempo, our Decaf option from Mexico will fit the bill. Using the Mountain water process, this coffee packs a punch of flavour but steers clear of caffeine.

This coffee comes from smallholder producers who deliver to the San Cristobal de las Casas and Yajalón buying stations in northern Chiapas, to the east and northeast of Tuxla Gutiérrez the region. The growing area, which runs between altitudes of 900 and 1,100 meters, is characterized by large bean sizes and a round, balanced cup with a smooth body — an ideal morning cup

To help ensure that producers receive a fair price, InterAmerican works closely with the exporters that support these communities with social projects. The exporters also use their own transportation infrastructure to bring the producers’ coffees to market.

We roast this to a dark roast unless otherwise specified.

people standing on corner road near concrete buildings during daytime
people standing on corner road near concrete buildings during daytime

Brazil Swiss Water Decaffeinated

Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world. With such diversity, the range of coffee that it produces is vast – from small holder farms to vast estates. Soils, regional climate and temperatures make great growing conditions.

However, Brazil lacks altitude – a factor considered crucial for creating the very best flavours expected form Arabica coffee and much of the coffee is grown at or below 1000m above sea level. Much lower than the typical 1400 – 1800masl that can be found in many other coffee producing nations. Typical flavouring from Brazil on the commercial grades invokes nuts, caramel and creamy body, but as producers develop new techniques we are beginning to enjoy new found sweetness, citrus and acidity from these coffees.

To prepare the beans for caffeine removal, they are cleaned and hydrated with pure, local water, the beans are then introduced to an internally developed Green Coffee Extract (GCE), and caffeine removal begins. Caffeine ventures out on its own, away from the coffee beans into the GCE until the ratio of soluble compounds in the GCE to the compounds in the coffee reach the point of equilibrium. Caffeine and GCE flow continuously through carbon filters until all the caffeine is trapped and separated from the GCE, which is refreshed so that it can be used again and again to remove more caffeine. The process is monitored for around 10 hours and caffeine levels checked as well as time, and gauge temperature controls, until the coffee is 99.9% caffeine free.

We roast this to a medium - dark roast unless otherwise specified.

low angle photo of temple
low angle photo of temple
The Swiss Water process

The Swiss Water process is an organic, 100% chemical-free option for decaffeination. It was discovered in the 1930s in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and is commercialised by the Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company Inc, founded in 1988.

This method does not require the addition of chemicals, instead relying on a super saturated green coffee solution called Green Coffee Extract (GCE).

To decaffeinate coffee, fresh GCE is introduced to a batch of green coffee. As the GCE is already saturated with all the water-soluble compounds found in green coffee, minus the caffeine, the matching molecules won’t diffuse out of the coffee beans—but the caffeine will. The flavour is retained in the beans while the caffeine is removed.

Thanks to some scientific smarts and creativity, it’s possible to have decaf coffee that tastes the same – just without the caffeine!